Differences in the Brain
A lot of neuroscience research on ADHD has shown that people with ADHD have differences in the prefrontal cortex
The prefrontal cortex (shown in red in the right picture)
regulates attention and behavior through connections
with sensory and motor areas of the brain -
Imaging studies have shown that people with ADHD
have differences in how brain cells connect and
communicate with each other -
Imaging studies also have shown that the prefrontal
cortex is less activated in people with ADHD compared
to neurotypical/allistic people (ref 1)
The prefrontal cortex needs a certain amount of two neurotransmitters (chemicals) for work at optimal levels: norepinephrine and dopamine
Genetic studies have consistently shown differences in the genes of people with ADHD that impacts these two chemicals
Medications for ADHD increase these chemicals in the brain and allow the prefrontal cortex to work as it should
​The most common type of medications for ADHD are stimulants
When people think of stimulants, they may think of illegal drugs, such as cocaine, which have a stimulating (activating) effect on behaviour
Medications for ADHD are stimulants, but the stimulating effect is on the chemicals in the brain
That is, they stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain so that the prefrontal cortex can work as it should (ref 2)
1 link to reference
2 link to reference